Socrates was the Company’s primary listing project and has produced some excellent exploration results.

The Project is located approximately 11km northwest of the south-eastern margin of the Yilgarn Craton, in the Kurnalpi Terrane of the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane. The area is dominated by northwest-trending belts of Archean metasedimentary rocks, mafic volcanic and intrusive rocks and large granitic intrusions.

A series of major NNW-oriented shears extend through the Project that separate broad packages of folded Archean rocks and extend south to the Cundeelee Fault which marks the northeast-trending contact between the Yilgarn Craton and the Albany Fraser Orogen.

The Company has conducted a number of successful RC and Diamond drilling programs at Socrates and has defined a 500m target zone striking NNW. This target zone is open on both strike and dip.