Non-Executive Chairman
Mr Abl has a background in law, corporate finance, and strategic consulting and has more than 20 years of entrepreneurial, business strategy, and investment experience. Mr Abl has worked with many early-stage businesses, across industries, to help commercialise, grow, and increase the value of the business for all stakeholders.
Non-Executive Director
Mr Nicholas Ong brings 18 years’ experience in listing rules compliance and corporate governance. He is experienced in mining project finance, mining and milling contract negotiations, mine CAPEX & OPEX management, and toll treatment reconciliation. Nicholas is a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia and Fellow of Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Western Australia. He has since worked as a company secretary and director to listed companies.
MR DAN SMITH – Bachelor of Arts (International Relations), FGIA
Non-Executive Director
Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts, is a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia, and has a strong background in finance having previously worked in the broking industry. Dan has over 16 years’ primary and secondary capital markets expertise. As a director of corporate consulting firm Minerva Corporate, he has advised on, and been involved in, over a dozen IPOs, RTOs and capital raisings on the ASX, AIM and NSX. He has a BA from Curtin University and is a Fellow member of the Governance Institute of Australia. Mr Smith is currently a director and/or company secretary for a number of companies listed on ASX and AIM operating in the natural resources sectors.